Public Records Requests

Public records may be requested by using our contact us form and choose "Public Records Request" in the Subject drop-down box.  Requests can also be submitted by email, phone, or by completing the Public Records Request Form linked below and emailing it to Ginger Waye, the Port's Public Records Officer.  Please use the Port's Public Records Officer contact information below:

Ginger Waye
8850 SW State Hwy 3
Bremerton, WA 98312
360-674-2807 (FAX)

The Port will respond promptly to your request. Within five business days after receiving a request, the Port will either:

  1. Provide the record(s);
  2. Acknowledge your request and give you a reasonable estimate of how long it will take to respond.
  3. Communicate to you if any portion of your request is exempt from disclosure under state law.

If a request is not clear, the Port may ask you for further clarification.
By law, the Port may charge $0.15 per copy plus cost of mailing.

For more information regarding public records disclosure, please visit the Public Records and Open Meetings section of the Washington State Attorney General website at

Public Records Request Form+